August 14, 2019 - The Food and Drug Administration warns dog owners not to feed certain lots of corns Texas pet food after samples tested positive for Salmonella and / or Listeria monocytogenes.
FDA is issuing this alert because these portions of Texas, Inc. corns pet foods pose a serious threat to human and animal health.
Because these products are sold and stored frozen, the FDA is concerned that people may still have in their possession.
What is being withdrawn from the market?
Products withdrawn from the market are sold frozen in cases of 20 pounds and 40 pounds.
Each box contains multiple plastic bags.
lot codes to help identify recalled products are printed on the outside of the case. However, lot codes are not printed in individual sealed plastic bags, also known as chubs.
Therefore, if the case has been dismissed, there is no unique identification numbers in individual chunks that allow customers to determine which have products withdrawn from the market.
These products are manufactured by Texas, Callos Inc. and sold directly to consumers online and by phone.
The table below lists the products removed from the market and lot numbers provided by the company to the FDA on 08/06/2019. These include 35 lots for each of the following 23 varieties of products.
Where were the products sold?
According to the company, recalled products were sold directly to consumers in the following states:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- AR
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
What caused the withdrawal?
Office State Chemical Texas (OTSC) collected 23 samples of finished products in the Texas Tripe Inc. Of the 23 samples, 16 tested positive for Listeria and / or Salmonella.
FDA followed these findings with an inspection and collected and analyzed samples of finished product unopened after the signing takes corrective action, additional batches from some of the same tested by OTSC products.
It FDA testing showed some samples contained Salmonella and / or L. mono.
OSTC FDA and shared their test results Callos Texas Inc. The company began a retreat on July 3, 2019, notifying directly to some of its customers by email.
Why FDA is concerned
pet foods and treats contaminated with Salmonella and L. mono are of particular importance to public health because it can affect both human and animal health.
Pets can get sick from these pathogens and can also be carriers of the bacteria and pass it to their human companions without appearing to be sick.
People can get sick from handling contaminated food and treats for pets or touching surfaces that have had contact with contaminated food and pet treats.
Also, if a person gets Salmonella or L. monkey in their hands, which can transmit the bacteria to other people, objects and surfaces.
The FDA is aware of recent cases in humans and / or animals they have been sickened by exposure to contaminated pet food Salmonella (Salmonella-human cases, Salmonella-kitty-kitty and dog Salmonella).
Although the FDA is not aware of a documented case of a person becoming infected by L. monkey pet food, once established Salmonella or L. mono in the gastrointestinal tract of the pet, the animal can shed the bacteria in when feces has a bowel movement and pollution can continue propagation.
Because animals can shed the bacteria in the feces when they have bowel movements, which is particularly important to clean the feces of the animal in yards or parks where people or other animals may be exposed, as well as cleaning supplies at home .
Cosmetic Act the Federal Food, Drug, and requires that all foods of animal origin, such as human food is safe to eat, produced under sanitary conditions, contain no harmful substances and labeled with the truth.
Without effective control of pathogens, such as cooking, food of animal origin is likely to contain pathogens such as Salmonella and L. monkey.
Refrigeration or freezing does not kill bacteria.
What to do?
If you have any product removed from the market, stop feeding their pets and throw it away in a container sure where other animals, including wild animals, can not access it.
Consumers who have this product in their homes should be cleaned refrigerator / freezer when the product is stored or clean and disinfect all bowls, utensils, preparation surfaces food, bedding for pets, toys, floors and any other surface food or pet may have had contact with.
Clean pet feces in yards or parks where people or other animals may be exposed.
Consumers must wash their hands after handling the product withdrawn from the market or cleaning objects and surfaces contaminated potentially very well.
If you think you have symptoms of Salmonella and L. mono, ask your provider health care.
People who think that their pets have been sickened after eating contaminated pet food should first contact their veterinarians.
Veterinarians who wish to have tested Salmonella pet I can make it through the Veterinary Research Laboratory and Response (Vet-LIRN network) if the pet is a household with an infected person with salmonella.